Mini notebooks – Christmas ornaments in a match box


This Christmas, write your wishes in a mini eco-friendly notebook to hang on the Christmas tree.

These mini notebooks are multi-functional! Their cover has a papercut of the most precious Greek words that come as a wish. Each contains 16 pages to write on your personal wishes, and in addition, they are tight with blue fine string with a transparent glass-bead, to make the most special Christmas tree ornaments!

Have your favorite one by choosing the word you want on its cover.

They come in craft match boxes, with a white label on, made especially for them.

Offer them to your dears instead of a wishing card and add an ornament on their Christmas tree, too! Gift them to yourself for your special mini drawings, handwritten notes and personal wishes and have a little precious book to keep for a lifetime!

In stock


These mini handmade notebooks:

– have double covers: blue/khaki green/purple 220gr cardboard + yellow/celest/purple/orange transparent 100gr cardboard,
– have a papercut of a Greek word-wish on the first cover,
– contain 16 white blank sheet of 80gr.
– are bookbinded with white string,
– are tight with blue fine string with a transparent glass bead on, ready to hang on the Christmas tree,
– comes to you signed by “PADALU” on its rear in a match box measuring 10X6X4cm.

Handle them with care and keep them away from water and fire.

***The exact tints of the papers shown on the pictures may not correspond exactly to the actual colors, since they depend on both photo-lighting and your screen’s properties.

Additional information
Weight 0.050 kg
Dimensions 6.5 × 4.7 × 0.6 cm
















Shipping & Delivery


Safe packaging is ensured for all Padalu’s items. It is elegant, too!

Worldwide shipping options:

  • Hellenic Posts (ELTA)
  • DHL Courier

*For more details about delivery times, please see our shipping policies.

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  • Παραλαβή από το εργαστήριο

(Studio Pickup- Ι.Μεταξά 13 & Χρ. Νικολάου, Άγιος Δημήτριος)

Τρόποι αποστολής:

  • Ταχυμεταφορές Speedex (1-5 εργάσιμες ημέρες)

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  • PayPal
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    • Εθνική Τράπεζα Ελλάδος (ΙΒΑΝ GR54 0110 1560 0000 1560 0545 931)
    • Alpha Bank (IBAN GR35 0140 1560 1560 0210 1220 623)
    • Τράπεζα Πειραιώς (ΙΒΑΝ: GR63 0171 0380 0060 3813 5960 445)
    • Euro Bank (IBAN: GR040260606070000070200725748)
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