Cat Lucie


“Lucie” is one of our beloved cats.

“Lucie” has become a beloved sculpture to caddle.

Make “her” yours or offer “her” to a lucky cat-lover-friend.

Processing time: 20 calendar days


“Cat Lucie” is an original, modern ceramic sculpture, made of high-temperature orange stoneware clay.

– signed by the creator
– handle with care – clean with wet cloth,
– shelf-standing,
– safe packaging ensured.

** Lucie is one of the three sculpture cats you can find in our collection, as shown at one of the photos included. Communicate with us in case you wish to have her in white or grey stoneware clay instead of the orange one.

*** Lucie is unique and handmade, so differences in details may occur. The exact tints of the colors shown on the pictures may not correspond exactly to the actual colors, since they depend on both photo-lighting and your screen’s properties.

Additional information
Weight 1.130 kg
Dimensions 20 × 12 × 12 cm
Shipping & Delivery


Safe packaging is ensured for all Padalu’s items. It is elegant, too!

Worldwide shipping options:

  • Hellenic Posts (ELTA)
  • DHL Courier

*For more details about delivery times, please see our shipping policies.

Για παραγγελίες εντός Ελλάδας

  • Παραλαβή από το εργαστήριο

(Studio Pickup- Ι.Μεταξά 13 & Χρ. Νικολάου, Άγιος Δημήτριος)

Τρόποι αποστολής:

  • Ταχυμεταφορές Speedex (1-5 εργάσιμες ημέρες)

​​Τρόποι πληρωμής:

  • PayPal
  • Κατάθεση σε έναν από τους παρακάτω τραπεζικούς λογαριασμούς :
    • Εθνική Τράπεζα Ελλάδος (ΙΒΑΝ GR54 0110 1560 0000 1560 0545 931)
    • Alpha Bank (IBAN GR35 0140 1560 1560 0210 1220 623)
    • Τράπεζα Πειραιώς (ΙΒΑΝ: GR63 0171 0380 0060 3813 5960 445)
    • Euro Bank (IBAN: GR040260606070000070200725748)
  • Αντικαταβολή